
HCL-Organisation is a non-profit  making organization meant to be international within Africa. HCL-Org means: Honest and Conscientious Leaders Organization.

         Our belief

At HCLOrganization, we believe, the prospects of the future and hope for good governance greatly depend on recovering Godly insights and true values, like honesty, conscientiousness, justice, & fairness, etc, understanding them and using them to shape our leadership expectations and governance (for true development and excellent economy).

Our Vision

To have Honest, Conscientious, and God fearing leadership and governance in Africa for true development and excellent economy of Africans.

Mission Statements

To be a primary tool for Africa’s development through honest, conscientious, and God fearing attitudinal renaissance.To help develop African honest & conscientious attitudinal expertise, enhance the analysis of African problems for excellent economic and true technological growth.To strengthen domestic institutions of governance, and serve as a model environment for the practice of good governance, honest & conscientious democratic process, social justice, conflict resolution and respect for human rights; and enable African politicians to play an active part in the global community of leaders.